How to book a room

Booking a room on Housemates is quick and easy. Here's how to secure your room online in minutes.

Once you've chosen your preferred room and you're ready to book, you can checkout quickly online.

Not found the room for you yet? Check out our article about finding a great room on Housemates.

To proceed with your booking, go to the room you wish to book and click ⚡️ Book now. You will then need to select a booking period that you'd like to stay for, make sure to select the right dates. In most cases, you will be able to move in later or move out earlier at a later point, if required.

Not finding the right dates? Submit an enquiry instead and we'll try to arrange a custom booking period to suit you.

On the next screen, be sure to read all of the information provided and then click Continue to pay.

You will need to log in with your Housemates account to proceed here. If you don't have one, create one in minutes by following these very simple steps.

Fill in your details

On the next screen, you will need to select how you would like to pay your rent, either in one payment upfront before moving in, or multiple instalments throughout your stay. Learn more about paying rent.

Following that, you will need to provide your details as requested.

In the Additional info section, make sure to include any requirements or preferences you have, such as a disability or request to only share an apartment with people of the same gender. If you're booking as part of a group, provide the names of everyone in your group here.

Finally, you'll need to provide your card details in order to pay the deposit, which allows you to secure the room and take it off the market.

After booking

Once you've completed your booking, the accommodation provider will receive a notification and all of your details with be shared with them. They will then be in touch to arrange your tenancy agreement and collect further details (if required).