How to find a perfect room on Housemates

Start here to find the best student accommodation in minutes.

If you're here to kick off your student accommodation search and get it done the right way, then you're in the correct place. As the student accommodation experts, we know how important it is to get this right. That's why we've made it really easy to search, filter and learn more about all of our rooms.

Why use Housemates?

  • Great prices, no surprises. We work with a range of student accommodation partners to provide rooms for all budgets. All of our rooms come with water, energy and Internet included. Plus, we will never charge you a booking fee to use our service. Learn more.

  • Safe and secure. We connect you with trusted and verified student accommodation providers safely online so that you can book in confidence. We also provide detailed information about all of our rooms so that you know what you're getting, even if you're on the other side of the world. Learn more.

  • Fast online booking. Once you have found a room that you love, you can book it easily with our secure checkout. Book in minutes from your sofa, the train, your local nightclub, or wherever you have an Internet connection. Learn more.

Get started

Getting started is easy, just head to and search for the city where you'll be based. You'll see a number of rooms available, ordered by distance from the location you've entered.

TIP: For even more personalised results, enter the university or college where you'll be studying to see the rooms nearest to where you'll be spending most of your time.

Can't find your city or university? Let us know! We're always looking to grow our service to new locations. Currently, we serve those looking for student accommodation in the United Kingdom and the Republic of Ireland.

Filter and sort results

On the city, university or college page, you can refine the results even further by using the filters at the top. Use the Price button to only show results within a set price range.

You can also use the Sort by button to arrange results by price ascending (low to high, price descending (low to high) or distance (nearest to furthest).

View results on a map

Want to see where rooms are located on a map? Just click Map at the top of the results (mobile) or click View map on the right-hand side (desktop).

Click the map icon and then another service icon (mobile) or just click on a service icon at the side (desktop) to see where the buildings are in relation to public transport, supermarkets, gyms and other local amenities.

Expand the room information

On each room result, you'll be able to see a preview picture, starting price, commuting times to the nearest universities and further information. Click anywhere on the room information to learn more.

From this page, you'll be able to see more photos, room descriptions, building descriptions, amenities, a map and more.

Select your university on the map to see walking, cycling and driving times from the property.

To see when the property is available to book, click the Book now⚡️ button to see a range of booking periods.

Not finding what you're after? Let us know and we may be able to arrange a custom booking period for you with the accommodation provider.

Enquire and book a room

Found a room you like, but want to learn more about it? Leave us an enquiry by clicking Enquire now. In order to leave an enquiry, you will need to create a Housemates accounts - which can be done easily by logging in with Google.

We usually respond to all enquiries within 24 hours, but if you're looking for an immediate answer at 3 am, you might want to check out the rest of our help centre. Don't worry, we've been students too. We get it!

Alternatively, if all your questions have been answered, find out how to book your room instantly on Housemates.